World famous fashion designer Julien Macdonald brings the elegant style he shows on the runway to your very own home!

Note* Did anyone catch that the 2nd and 3rd pic are the same paper just in different colors and the same with 4th and 5th and 7th and 8th?
AMAZING how choosing the right color can make all difference.
2nd and 3rd, yes, but also the last and the one before that... right? Interesting wallpapers
I did notice that, Gina, because Yours Truly is a wallpaper nut! Love it! My first house had wallpaper in every room. This one has wallapaper in three (Thiabaut).
Sheila :-)
Gina what a find! Gorgeous, all of them. There is something about him that I love. He has a certain respect for the era he is trying to evoke, and it shows. He doesn't copy he simply makes something, that once was, better in a respectful and current way. Love it!
i did not notice that until you mentioned it! how fabulous. i wonder if you could even wallpaper an entire room but each wall in a different tone of the same design? would it be a bit much, or pretty darn cool!? i added the last one to my blog as an updated picture of your product line :)
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