After going thru the Market and having a roof top lunch we went to Tradd Street.
For those of you who follow my other blog with Kate know that we read the book
"House on Tradd street"by Karen White
it is a great read. Anyway we had to go and check it out

But since the house really doesn't exist on the real Tradd street we stopped here to take a few pictures.
I love rosemary it has such a Happy smell
:) :):) :) :) :) :) :)

the picture below is same house just a close up I love the bunny

Okay now moving on we are now at the Battery and about to see Rainbow row
I love the angel oak
(the water is across the street)
we actually met the lady who owns this gorgeous house.
This house is 4 stories and probably has a basement too which would make it 5.
Going back home we had a long day lots of walking and will be getting up early and going to Ashville to see Biltmore. stay tuned......
Gina, it's been YEARS ago, but I think that skinny pink house belonged to a friend of my sister's. I remember going there for cocktails one night. I'm trying to remember her name. She lived on Tradd Street, as I recall... or was it Queen? Hmmmm.... that house looks familiar.
If you are still there, be sure and eat at Magnolia's. They used to have great food.
Hi Gina
Looks like you are having a wonderful time. I love all the pitures of exterior.. so pretty..
Its so cold here in Melbourne.. envy your pretty dress..(smile)
The big white B & B is called
Two Meeting street, its actually the address, but goes by that name,
Colonial Architecture, it was built for a wedding Present for his daughter, who married Waring Carrington a King Street Jeweler.
The house that you like is 9 East Battery, it is of the Greek Revival style, designed by e b White the archiect of the Market, where we had our picture taken,in 1968 is was bought by Richard Jenrette of New York, wonder if that is the guy who's friend yelled to me over the balacony.
My favorite house is 29 East Battery, built in 1856, owned by Francis Porcher, a cotton broker and Pres. of the Atlantic Phosphate Co. It is Italian Renaissance Revival style. I dont know if the lady who spoke to us is related to that family...
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